Updated December 10, 2014
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Here are some live shots from WC&S, The Charlie B. Group and Horns In The House shows.
Jim at Old webster Jazz & Blues festival 9/18/04
Charlie & Scott at Old webster Jazz & Blues festival 9/18/04
Horns at Old webster Jazz & Blues festival 9/18/04
The King in West Plains, MO 5/3/03
Elton with WC&S
WCS at the Ritz-Carlton 12/22/01
Fantasy October 2002
WCS at Salute to the Masters 2002
WCS at Salute to the Masters 2002
WCS at Salute to the Masters 2002
WCS at Salute to the Masters 2002
WCS at Salute to the Masters 2002
Quintet at The Famous Bar 12/21/01
Quintet at The Famous Bar 12/21/01
Quintet at The Famous Bar 12/21/01
Quintet at The Famous Bar 12/21/01
Quintet at The Famous Bar 12/21/01
Quintet at The Famous Bar 12/21/01
Dave and Mark at The Famous Bar 6/21/02
Dave at The Famous Bar 6/21/02
The King at Backstreet on Halloween
The King at Backstreet on Halloween
WCS at the Casino Queen
WCS at the Casino Queen
WCS at the Casino Queen
WCS at the Casino Queen
WCS in lights
WCS at the Casino Queen
Jim conducts at the Chase
WCS horns at the Chase
Papa Doc at the Chase
Mark at the Chase
Dave at the Chase
Joe at the Chase
WCS horns at the Chase
Rhythm Section at the Chase
Mark at the Chase
Jim really conducting at the Chase
The horns spell L-O-V-E (Backstreet)
Charlie sings L-O-V-E (Backstreet)
Jim's solo in Caravan (Backstreet)
A Dave solo (Trainwreck)
Scott demonstrates how he rides his Harley
Jim as Benny Hill (Trainwreck)
Women love Mark! (Trainwreck)
Charlie gets a bubble bath (Backstreet)
Marc Garcia (Backstreet)
Larry, Dave and Papa Doc (Backstreet)
Dave Fowler (Opus Room)
Scott "Papa Doc" Collier (Opus Room)
Joe Weber (Opus Room)
Dave at Backstreet
Dave at Off Broadway with HITH